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All copyright of the contents, including but not limited to, photos, audio, videos, video links, logos and literature contained and posted on this website are owned by their respective owners and were contributed freely to the administrators and owners of surftownlaunion.com website, Surftown La Union Facebook Page and Surftown La Union Instagram account. Copying, posting, reposting, downloading, screen capturing of any of the content contained on the aforementioned social media and online mediums, without permission are strictly prohibited.

We, as Surftown La Union, do not claim ownership on ALL content contained on this website unless otherwise indicated on the post, watermarked on the photos, videos, and mentioned on the audio files. If we were unable to credit your work, media properly, or have it taken down, kindly reach out to us at hello@surftownlaunion.com and we will take proper actions the soonest time possible. Thank you for your kind generosity and cooperation in keeping our surftown vibe alive!

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